domingo, 8 de setembro de 2013

Creme de Aboborinhas / Courgette Cream Soup

Creme de Aboborinhas
Courgettes Cream


400gr de Abobora
400gr of Pumpkin

400gr de Courgette
400gr of Courgette

2 Cebolas
2 Onions

2 Dentes de alho
2 Cloves of garlic

1l de água com caldo de galinha
1l of water with chicken stock

2 Colheres de sopa de azeite
2 Tablespoons of olive oil

Pimenta q.b.

Sal q.b.


Numa panela colocar a cebola cortada em pequenos pedaços e o alho com o azeite e deixe cozer, em lume muito brando, até a cebola estar transparente.
In a pan place the onion cut into small pieces and garlic with the olive oil and cook at a low heat until the onion is transparent.

Adicionar 1l de água com caldo de galinha e deixar ferver.
Add 1l of water with chicken stock and boil.

Descascar as courgettes deixando umas tirinhas de casca, lave a abóbora e retire as pevides.
Peel the courgettes leaving some strips of the peel, wash the pumpkin and remove the seeds and the peel.

Juntar as courgettes e a abóbora à panela e adicionar o sal.
Add the courgettes and the pumpkin to the pan and add salt.

Deixar ferver durante 20 minutos e passar com a varinha reduzindo a puré.
Allow to boil for 20 minutes and pass with the hand blender reducing to puree.

Tricks: Servir quente ou frio polvilhado com pimenta moída e uma folha de hortelã.
Tricks: Serve hot or cold sprinkled with ground pepper and a mint leaf.

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