quarta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2013

Aubergines filled with Portobello Mushrooms / Beringelas Recheadas com Cogumelos Portobello

 Aubergines filled with Portobello Mushrooms
Beringelas Recheadas com Cogumelos Portobello


2 Aubergines
2 Beringelas

1 Onion
1 Cebola

8 Portobello mushrooms (small)
8 Cogumelos Portobello (pequenos)

2 cloves of garlic
2 dentes de alho

2 tablespoons of tomato pulp
2 colheres de sopa de Polpa de tomate

2 tablespoons olive oil
2 colheres de sopa Azeite

1 bay leaf
1 folha de louro

Black pepper 
Pimenta preta q.b.

Sal q.b.


Wash the Aubergines and cut them in vertically in half.
Lave as Beringelas e corte-as ao meio, no sentido vertical.

Remove the inside of the Aubergine without cutting the skin and cut the inside into small pieces, setting aside.
Retire o interior da Beringela sem cortar a casca e corte o seu interior em pequenos pedaços, reserve.

Set aside the outside part of the Aubergine which will be for filling.
Reserve a parte exterior da Beringela para rechear.

In a frying pan, make an onion, garlic and bay stew.
Numa frigideira, faça o refogado com a cebola, o alho picado e o louro.

Cut the fresh mushrooms into strips and add to the stew along with the inside of the Aubergines.
Corte os cogumelos frescos em tiras e adicione, juntamente com o interior das Beringelas ao refogado anterior.

Add the tomato pulp and spices according to your taste.
Adicione a polpa de tomate e as especiarias a gosto.

Fill the the halves of Aubergines with the previous prepared filling and place the grated Mozzarella cheese on top.
Recheie as metades das Beringelas com o preparado anterior e coloque o queijo Mozzarela ralado por cima.

Bake in the oven for about 20-25 minutes for.
Leve ao forno, durante cerca de 20-25 minutos para gratinar.

Tricks: Serve with lettuce salad with vinagrette souce or with white butter rice.
Tricks: Sirva com salada de alface temperada com molho vinagrete ou com arroz manteiga.

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