Mousse de Manga
Mango Mousse
1 lata de polpa de manga (P.Líquido 860 gr)
1 can of mango puree (Net Weight 860 gr)
1 lata de leite condensado
1 can of sweetened condensed milk
3 Iogurtes naturais
3 natural yogurts
1. Colocar a polpa de manga numa taça.
Place the mango puree in a mixing bowl.
2. Juntar o leite condensado e misturar com a batedeira.
Add the sweetened condensed milk and mix together with a mixer.
3. Adiconar os 3 iogurtes e bater durante aprox. 1 minuto.
Add the 3 yogurts and mix together for approx. 1 minute.
4. Verter a mistura para uma taça e levar ao frigorifico no minimo 8 horas.
Pour the mixture into a bowl and place in the fridge for a minimo of 8 hours.
TRICK: Pode polvilhar com cacau amargo em pó.
TRICK: you may spinkle with cocoa powder.
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