sábado, 31 de agosto de 2013

Bolo de Chocolate Simples/ Simple Chocolate Cake

Bolo de Chocolate Simple
Simple Chocolate Cake


200 gr de chocolate negro
200 gr dark chocolate

200 gr de açúcar
200 gr sugar

200 gr de farinha
200 gr flour

200 gr de manteiga
200 gr butter

4 ovos
4 eggs


Derreter a manteiga juntamente com o chocolate.
Melt the butter with the chocolate.

Bata o açúcar com os ovos inteiros.
Mix the sugar with the eggs.

Adicione o chocolate derretido.
Add the melted chocolate.

Junte a farinha batendo sempre.
Add the flour constantly stiring.

Unte uma forma com manteiga e polvilhe com farinha. Deite a massa na forma.
Grease the cake mold with butter and sprinkle with flour. Pour the mixture into the mold.

Leve ao forno pré-aquecido a 180ºC durante aproximadamente 30-40 minutos.
Bake in the preheated oven at 180ºC during aproximately 30-40 minutes.

Retire do forno quando estiver cozido e deixe arrefecer.
Remove from oven when cooked and leave to cool.

Quando estiver frio coloque num prato para bolos e abra ao meio, recheando com leite condensado cozido.
Enfeite com fios de leite condensado na face superior.

When cold, place in a cake dish and cut in half, filling with cooked sweeted condensed milk (caramel).

Garnish with threads of condensed milk on the top face.

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