domingo, 25 de agosto de 2013

Gelado de Morango / Strawberry Ice Cream

Gelado de Morango
Strawberry Ice Cream


800 gr de morangos previamente congelados
800 gr of strawberries previously frozen
200 gr de açúcar
200 gr of sugar
1 lata de leite evaporado previamente congelado
1 can of Condesed Milk (not sweetened)

200 gr de Natas
200 gr of cream

Pulverizar o açúcar na Termomix (15 segundos na vel.9), introduzir os morangos e dar 3 a 4 golpes no turbo para os desfazer.
Spray the sugar in the Termomix (15 seconds in vel.9), introduce the strawberries and take 3-4 strokes on the turbo to break the strawberries.

Colocar o leite evaporado e as Natas no copo da Termomix e bater cerca de 2 minutos numa velocidade rápida (vel.9 na Bimby) e envolver com uma espátula verificando se a mistura está homogênea.
Place the condensed milk (not sweetened) and the cream in the Termomix and mix for 2 minutes at a fast speed (vel.9 in the Thermomix). To finish mix with a spatula making sure the mixture is homogeneous.

Conservar no congelador.
Store in freezer.

TRICK: Servir com suspiros miniatura.
TRICK: Serve with "suspiro" miniature.

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