Autumn Soup
Sopa de Outono
300 gr potato
300 gr de batata
2 carrots
2 cenouras
2 onions
2 cebolas
300g of pumpkin peeled and cut into cubes
300 gr de abóbora descascada e cortada aos cubos
100 gr of bacon
100 gr de bacon
2 tablespoons of cooked white beans
2 colheres de sopa de feijão branco cozido
4 tablespoons olive oil
4 colheres de sopa de azeite
1 tablespoon of butter
1 colher de sopa de manteiga
Sal q.b.
Peel all the vegetables. Insert the potatoes, the carrots cut into squares along with the diced onions in a deep pan. Add water until the vegetables are covered. Add the salt and olive oil and let it boil about for about 30 minutes until vegetables are cooked. Reduce to a puree the vegetables with the aid of a hand blender, once they are fully cooked.
Descasque os legumes. Coloque numa panela as batatas, as cenouras e as cebolas cortadas aos cubos. Adicione água até cobrir os legumes, junte o sal e o azeite. Deixe ferver cerca de 30 minutos até os legumes estarem cozidos. Reduza os legumes a puré com a varinha mágica assim que estiverem cozidos.
Cut the bacon into very small cubes and the pumpkin into slightly larger cubes.
Corte o bacon em quadradinhos pequenos e a abóbora em cubos.
In a frying pan place 1 tablespoon of butter with bacon leaving to fry. Add the pumpkin and let it stew for a few minutes. Add to the vegetable puree, and add also the cooked white beans leaving to boil gently to cook the pumpkin. At the end add boiling water, stirring until a creamy consistency according to your liking is obtained. Rectify the seasoning and boil for 1-2 more minutes.
Numa frigideira coloque 1 colher de sopa de manteiga com o bacon e deixe tostar, adicione a abóbora e deixe estufar uns minutos. Junte ao puré de legumes, adicione o feijão branco cozido e deixe ferver em lume brando até a abóbora estar cozida. No final adicione água a ferver, mexendo até obter a consistência cremosa a seu gosto. Retifique o tempero com sal a seu gosto e deixe ferver mais 1 a 2 minutos.
Trick: Add some chopped chives once served.
Trick: Adicione um pouco de cebolinho no momento de servir.
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